Factors That Determine the Solar Inverter Battery Price in India
Solar inverter battery price in India is one of the most important factors that come to everyone’s mind when they decide to go solar. Some people also procrastinate buying an inverter battery because they don’t have clarity about the price of the battery. If you are someone who wishes to buy an inverter battery but you don’t have any idea about its price, you should read further. 1. Type of Inverter The battery that you will buy depends upon the type of inverter that you have invested in. Off-grid inverters are more expensive as compared to on-grid inverters. Households that have on-grid inverters are connected to the local grid. This is because they do not solely rely on solar panels for power generation. These households draw energy from local grids in case there is a power deficit. On the other hand, households with off-grid inverters don’t have a connection to the local grid so they have to rely on solar panels for power...