Types oF Inverters Made By Solar Panel Manufacture
A solar power plant has many elements that work together to harness the sun’s energy and convert it into electricity. One of them is the inverter. Inverters are the part of the system that convert Direct Current electricity into Alternating Current electricity. Here are the different types of inverters that can be used to generate solar power.
Standard String Inverter
This is the most common type of inverter and is often the most budget friendly. These inverters use reliable technology and generate electricity that can be used to run most home appliances. They may be placed indoors in a garage or outdoors. Unfortunately, standard string inverters are not designed to allow for battery integration and hence a separate battery will be needed if the energy produced by the inverter is to be stored.
Micro Inverters
These inverters are very small inverters that are installed directly on solar panels. Thus, the number of micro inverters needed is dependent on the number of solar panels being used. Using multiple micro inverters is often more efficient than a single standard string inverter. However the cost of installing a single string inverter is much lower than the cost of installing several micro inverters. These inverters are a good option in cases where the panels are installed in areas that may be temporarily shaded from the sun.
Battery Inverters
These inverters store the electricity being produced by the solar cells so that it may be used later. These are robust inverters with a long lifespan. They can be easily retrofitted and may be later added on to existing solar power systems. They are typically used to run appliances when the main power grid is down.
Grid Tie Inverters
Grid tie inverters connect the solar power system to the main power grid. Through these inverters, the electricity produced by the solar panels is sent to the main power grid. From here it will be dispersed in the same manner as electricity produced through other means. The electricity produced and transferred to the power grid acts as credit against future electricity bills. The electricity produced cannot be used directly.
Hybrid Inverters
These are one of the latest types of inverters made by solar panel manufacturers. They combine the advantages of both standard string inverters are grid-tie inverters. Hybrid inverters are often connected to a battery that stores the energy being produced by the solar panels. The energy produced by these solar panels is first used to charge the battery that will run the home’s appliances. Excess energy produced after the battery has fully charged is then transferred to the main power grid. In this way they offer seamless electricity and are cost-effective.
Thus, not all solar inverters are the same. If you choose to run your home on solar power, you must consult a solar panel manufacturer to understand your power requirements and select an inverter best suited to your needs. Get quotes from multiple vendors and only then choose the inverter system that works best for you.
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